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Oops... Looks like you're on mobile or flash is not enabled

We're trying to get some mobile games up and running, but unfortunately our flash games don't work on phone or tablet. How about some hilarious science jokes instead?

Bubble Quod Thumbnail

Bubble Quod

Welcome to Bubble Quod, where you'll be trapped in a bubble prison (yep, we said quod, it's a weird word for prison your English teacher probably never taught you) and tasked with breaking free using a pointy thing. Watch out for obstacles along the way that attempt to hinder your progress—they're not as forgiving as your English teacher. So get ready to put your puzzle-solving skills to the test with unique graphics and gameplay that'll keep you entertained for hours. Let's pop some bubbles and break out of this quod!

How to Play

Use the arrows on the keyboard to move your bubble.

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