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Oops... Looks like you're on mobile or flash is not enabled

We're trying to get some mobile games up and running, but unfortunately our flash games don't work on phone or tablet. How about some hilarious science jokes instead?

Franky the Fish Thumbnail

Franky the Fish

Dive into a whimsical underwater adventure with your new favorite fish pal, Franky. Carefully navigate the depths, gobbling up smaller fish in order to climb the food chain and become the ultimate ruler of the seas. Watch out for larger predators as you chomp your way to the top, or become someone else's prey. Eat, grow, and conquer in this dog-eat-dog, or rather fish-eat-fish world. Franky's fate is in your hands, so lead him to marine glory and help him become the top dog... er, fish!

How to Play

Use the arrow keys to move Franky up, down, left, and right.

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