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11 Hilariously Corny Bug Jokes for Kids

You ant gonna bee able to read these bug and insect jokes without crackin' a grin.

Maybe you think bugs are awesome. Maye you think bugs are creepy. You might even think bugs are gross and scream when you see them...

Well, Experimonkey's elite team of internet monkeys has been out in the field studying ant farms, investigating bee hives, and searching all over the (spider) web for some of the goofiest insect and bug jokes. So if you scream, it'll only be with uncontrollable giggles when you read this list of hilariously corny bug jokes and puns.

And when you're done with these, be sure to take a look at these hilarious monkey jokes and meteorology jokes! Or, go back to all jokes.

A dung beetle walks into a bar and asks, Excuse me, is this stool taken?
Stool is the medical term for... well... you know!

A dung beetle walks into a bar and asks, A dung beetle walks into a bar and asks,

"Excuse me, is this stool taken?" "Excuse me, is this stool taken?"

How do bees greet each other in Japan? Wasabi?

How do bees greet each other in Japan? How do bees greet each other in Japan?

"Wasabi?" "Wasabi?"

What do you call a fly that lives on a dairy farm? A butterfly!

What do you call a fly that lives on a dairy farm? What do you call a fly that lives on a dairy farm?

A butterfly! A butterfly!

What has wheels and flies? A garbage truck!

What has wheels and flies? What has wheels and flies?

A garbage truck! A garbage truck!

What is an entomologist's favorite car? A Volkswagen Beetle, of course!
An entomologist is a scientist that studies insects, like beetles!

What is an entomologist's favorite car? What is an entomologist's favorite car?

A Volkswagen Beetle, of course! A Volkswagen Beetle, of course!

Which insect is the smartest of all? The spelling bee!

Which insect is the smartest of all? Which insect is the smartest of all?

The spelling bee! The spelling bee!

Why did the firefly do so well in school? It was very bright!

Why did the firefly do so well in school? Why did the firefly do so well in school?

It was very bright! It was very bright!

Why did the spider buy a computer? It wanted to browse the web!

Why did the spider buy a computer? Why did the spider buy a computer?

It wanted to browse the web! It wanted to browse the web!

Why do bees have such great-looking hair? They're always near a honeycomb.

Why do bees have such great-looking hair? Why do bees have such great-looking hair?

They're always near a honeycomb. They're always near a honeycomb.

Why do some insects have so many cousins? They have so many ants and uncles!

Why do some insects have so many cousins? Why do some insects have so many cousins?

They have so many ants and uncles! They have so many ants and uncles!

Why was the spider so good at baseball? It caught every fly... ball!

Why was the spider so good at baseball? Why was the spider so good at baseball?

It caught every fly... ball! It caught every fly... ball!

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