Scientists estimate that cats and humans have been friends for about 12,000 years, ever since they were first domesticated by ancient civilizations in the Fertile Crescent. Well, if we had to guess the first time someone laughed at a cat, it would probably be 12,000 years ago. With their mysterious ways and odd habits, there's just something about the little feline furballs that never fails to generate giggles.
On the internet these days, from LOLCats to cheeseburger-loving kitties, there's no shortage of cat jokes, pictures, gifs, and videos on the internet. People love sharing laughs, and spreading the goofiness of some of one of the world's most popular pets is a surefire way to share some giggles. And, well, we just thought we'd contribute a few more.
And when you're done with these, be sure to take a look at these hilarious fruit jokes and biology jokes! Or, go back to all jokes.
Do cats know how to use computers? Do cats know how to use computers?
Not sure, but they seem to like the mouse. Not sure, but they seem to like the mouse.
How many lives does a radioactive cat have? How many lives does a radioactive cat have?
18 half-lives! 18 half-lives!
What do cats do after brushing their teeth? What do cats do after brushing their teeth?
Gargle with mouse wash! Gargle with mouse wash!
What do cats say before winning a game of chess? What do cats say before winning a game of chess?
"Check meowt!" "Check meowt!"
What do you call a cat climbing a tree? What do you call a cat climbing a tree?
A catalog! A catalog!
What do you call a feline pharmacist? What do you call a feline pharmacist?
A caterpillar! A caterpillar!
What do you call a large pile of cats? What do you call a large pile of cats?
A meow-ntain! A meow-ntain!
What type of breakfast cereal do cats prefer? What type of breakfast cereal do cats prefer?
Mice Krispies! Mice Krispies!
What's a cat's favorite magazine? What's a cat's favorite magazine?
Good Mouse-keeping! Good Mouse-keeping!
Why are cats so good at winning arguments? Why are cats so good at winning arguments?
They can be extremely purr-suasive! They can be extremely purr-suasive!
Why is the cat on its way to school? Why is the cat on its way to school?
To learn some science right meow! To learn some science right meow!
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